Eastern State Hospital Landfill: SEPA documents for interim cleanup
You are invited to review and comment on the draft State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist and determination of non-significance for work to put out an underground landfill fire. The work may include excavating waste materials, disposing hazardous substances at a permitted landfill, installing groundwater monitoring wells, and maintaining access roads to the site.
We have reviewed the SEPA checklist and decided the activities will not have negative effects on the environment. We will review all comments received during the comment period and update the draft documents if needed.
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Thank you for subscribing to the Eastern State Hospital Landfill: SEPA documents for interim cleanup mailing list.
We have reviewed the SEPA checklist and decided the activities will not have negative effects on the environment. We will review all comments received during the comment period and update the draft documents if needed.
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